Exceptional WooCommerce Hosting

Take your ecommerce business to the next level using the #1 WooCommerce hosting provider. Our technology stack ensures your store is always online and bringing sales. 

Increase your sales with the fastest WooCommerce hosting

At MrGoodhost, we deeply understand the technical needs of e-commerce businesses.
We provide the reliability you have always dreamed of.

Your eCommerce business on steroids

Get more clients with our impressive content delivery speeds – we use pure NVMe storage, which delivers up to 50x times faster than regular SSD disks.
Multiple load-balanced and synchronized nodes in separate zones maximize uptime and guarantee fast concurrent connections.
We have our load-balancers ready – we will handle any traffic spikes with precision. Your customers always experiences the exact super-fast loading times.

Scale with confidence

At MrGoodhost we provide a custom tweaked and optimized operation system that encapsulates each WordPress hosting account in an impenetrable virtual cage in conjunction with our in-house proactive virus and malware scanning techniques.
Each account is entirely independent and secured from all other clients.

A well-established company

We at MrGoodhost are a Switzerland-based company with transparent business practices, providing 100% Swiss quality. We actively partner with leaders and innovators in the technology world.
You know who you are working with, ensuring that your business is in safe hands.

Get ahead of the competition!

It is scientifically proven that website loading speed correlates directly with the customer experience and your sales.
At MrGoodhost, we know that and provide you with the power to leave your competitors behind.

Optimized towards WooCommerce

We know the pros and cons of WooCommerce and the special requirements for running a high-performant store. We ensure that your website is always online and loads blazingly fast.

No hackers, no malware!

No attack has made it through our security net for years.
Ecommerce requires extra security to accommodate your clients` data and we provide it!

Security specialists on your side

WooCommerce installations are a popular target for hackers, scammers and bad actors.
We don’t give such players a chance. Your WooCommerce websites are covered by a non compromise sophisticated protection.
MrGoodhost covers a set of security compliances.

Backed up by expert support

We believe our exceptional support is among our greatest strengths. Our skilled and passionate experts have more than 20 years of WordPress development and business hosting experience. We pride ourselves in providing world-class support to every customer.

WordPress Toolkit

The WordPress Toolkit is an easy-to-use interface for efficiently managing your WordPress websites. You can control everything you need: WordPress core updates, themes and plugin updates, files, databases, staging, backups and security with single-click commands inside your account.

We are on your side

We put you first

Our clients are at the core of our business – we appreciate the trust put in us! In our book Customer is King.

Easy to use dashboard

We use an intuitive dashboard to make the management of your website easy, fast and secure. Everything at your fingertips.

Money back guarantee

Your satisfaction is our top priority, and for some reason if you are not, you still have 30 days money back gurantee.

Read what our users say

Read what our users say

Ready to increase your sales?

We will migrate your e-commerce websites to MrGoodhost for free!
View our plans or contact our friendly sales team now to see how we can help move your project forward.